Healthierheart's Space

Some of my thoughts and happenings in my life.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Some one was painting in church last night. It was a picture of a window with 4 panes in it. The sun light was in one of the panes. With beams of light shining into the 3 dark panes. In each of the panes there were dark pictures. One looked like a crown. One looked like a hand up. And the other was unrecognizable to me.
I interperate it to mean:
1. Who's crown is on the throne of my heart?
2. What's behind the hand, hidden?
3. What other area in my life hasn't been exposed to the light?

Saturday, October 03, 2015

I visited a new church tonight. The pastor suggested starting a blog. Well I have this one. Look at how long it has been since I've been here!. What's the big deal about blogging.Er I guess it would a way to vent... W'ell I'd have to figure a way to vent without complaining or sharing too much of my business.. What do you all think?